How do I RSVP?
We've made it really easy. In the menu (at the top of the page), there is a link to RSVP. You can also click this link to RSVP. You can also click any other RSVP link on this website to RSVP. Also, you can just tell us if you can make it or not. Please try to do this before June 15.

What does RSVP mean?
It's french for, "I can't wait to let you know whether or not I can make it to your wedding!"

Where are you registered?
We're not! We've decided to forego a traditional wedding registry. Instead, please contribute to our honeymoon fund!

No, really, where are you registered? Don't you need a toaster?
No! No toasters. Or boxed gifts of any kind. If you don't want to use the website to contribute to our honeymoon fund, feel free to bring a card to the wedding event. No gift cards, please.

Will there be alcohol at this wedding?
Oh my god, yes. We'll be having a full open bar, including several beers, wines, booze, whiskey, hooch, etc.

What should I wear?
This is a formal, classy, gay wedding. Dress up, please. No jeans. Wear your best formal attire, dust off a nice suit, or buy yourself a new dress.

Who can I bring with me? 
The invitation should have included the name of everyone invited. For some of you, we knew the names of everyone invited, and for others, we gave you a Guest. You know how weddings work, and you know we have to arrange seating and food for a finite number of people. Oh, but no children please.

But I have kids...
And I'm sure they'll enjoy a night with whomever you arrange to watch them. And YOU will get to enjoy a night celebrating with us!

Should I book a room?
We have arranged for a block of rooms at the Crowne Plaza. If you think you'll be partying hard at our reception, you might want to consider getting one of these for the night.

How hard is it to get there?
The Orchid Garden is pretty conveniently located off of I4, exit 82B. But, keep in mind this is I4, and traffic will likely be heavy. Check out the venue page for other details.

What about parking?
The hotel offers parking, and a shuttle to the venue (one at 4:00, one at 4:30). There is also a parking lot just a short walking distance from the venue.